BLOGOrganic Boosting & Garage Program

Organic Boosting & Garage Program

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon: “I am more afraid of two kids in a garage than the competition I know” and he was not wrong. Bright projects have come out of Garage Program and we are very grateful and proud to be part of it.

Garage Program, the business incubator by Lanzadera, supports entrepreneurs to develop their ideas, accelerates growth and ensures the success of projects through a wide range of resources and services.

Garage has three phases and is based on a unique model that allows entrepreneurs to establish the foundations of their company with the learning of an entrepreneur such as Juan Roig during his experience at Mercadona.

Among its most important premises stands the theory that it is only possible to make money sustainably through the satisfaction of the following components: client, worker, supplier, society and capital.

Likewise, Garage has provided us with training, advice, mentoring, support management and networking. There is no doubt that sharing space in Marina de Empresas with EDEM students, professors and with talented entrepreneurs who are part of the Program is being a breeding ground for interesting collaborations and a perfect environment for exchanges between companies.

What are the objectives that Organic Boosting seeks to achieve with Garage Program?

Our company wants to democratize Organic Products consumption and turn them into a right, not a luxury.

Why Organic?

We are facing a serious environmental crisis, that’s why Organic Boosting chooses organic products because they are healthy, sustainable and respectful with the environment, and with animal welfare. In addition, they lack additives, pesticides, GMOs, and livestock are not supplied with any type of antibiotic.

To do so, we boost organic food sales internationally, while reducing the purchase price of supermarkets.

If you want to know more about the environmental impact that our planet is suffering, do not miss our article Industrial Agriculture and Industrial Chemicals.

Our activity focuses on helping European Organic Producers to go international, and acts as the European Purchasing Office of non-European supermarkets that wish to purchase products directly from the source, without intermediaries, in small and large quantities at a much lower cost.

Much more information in our article Organic Producers and Buyers Meeting Point.

Our participation in Garage Program is one more step to turn our dreams into reality. Many thanks to Lanzadera for the opportunity. ¡Live Organic!

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From Spain, to the World!

SPANISH BOOSTING is a leading B2B exporter connecting global clients with Spain’s finest food products