BLOGThe History, Evolution, and Characteristics of Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

The History, Evolution, and Characteristics of Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

How did the boom in green household cleaning products arise? Are such products really that much better than conventional ones? In this blog post we’ll find out why eco-friendly household cleaning products are trending in the sector and sweeping through supermarkets all over the world. You’ll even learn a bit of history along the way!


History and evolution of the eco-friendly home cleaning industry

People have been using ingredients of natural origin, such as vinegar and lemon, for home cleaning and hygiene since time immemorial. It’s difficult to identify an exact starting point for this sector. Some say that soap was invented in Ancient Rome by women washing clothes in the River Tiber. These women discovered that the mixture of ashes and fat in the water – resulting from animal sacrifices carried out at the top of Mount Sapo) – helped remove stains from the clothing. The theory posits that the Latin word for soap, “sapo”, comes from this mountain.

Other sources consider this more legend than history, contending that soap began to be used more than 3,000 years ago in the Babylonian Empire. Whatever the truth may be, these natural methods were pushed aside during the 20th century by the emergence of cleaning products that used highly toxic ingredients. These products were often promoted in advertising campaigns that hid the harmful effects they had on human health and the environment.

But why are conventional cleaning products becoming less popular? And why are more and more consumers opting for eco-friendly products? Here are some of the reasons:

  • Greater environmental awareness among consumers.
  • An increase in allergies.
  • An improvement in environmental education over the last 10 years.
  • The social impact of campaigns promoting the three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle.
  • Greater concern about climate change.
  • More information on therapies and natural ingredients thanks to new technologies.


An interest in leading a healthier, more responsible life, and concern for the state of the planet and its future as a home to the next generations motivate people all over the world to strive for more sustainable production models. This, in turn, drives changing consumption habits and increases demand, allowing more companies to offer better products at more affordable prices.

If you’d like to find out more about why it’s so important to change consumption habits, why Organic Boosting has such a wide range of high-quality household cleaning products, what formulas of cleaning products we offer, and what kinds of environmentally friendly cleaning products you can find in our app, check out our post “Our Household Cleaning Products and the Benefits They Provide Your Customers and the Environment.


Differences between conventional and eco-friendly household cleaning products

To guarantee care for human health and the environment, eco-friendly cleaning products must pass strict quality and sustainability controls at each stage of their value chain: from the extraction of raw materials to packaging and final distribution.

A high percentage of conventional cleaning products contain chemical ingredients. These include ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (better known as EDTA), which is not biodegradable; phosphates (substances added to detergents that produce a proliferation of microalgae in rivers and seas, altering native ecosystems); and phthalates, an ingredient of some scented cleaning products that has been linked to health problems such as hormonal disturbances and allergies.

Many ingredients can cause hormonal changes, allergies, or dermatitis, for example. In addition, they are not biodegradable, so when they reach rivers and seas, they do not dissolve and can cause irreversible damage to flora and fauna,” according to Sustainable Gastronomy.


Guarantee of quality and commitment to the environment

We’re committed to offering products that have a low environmental impact and guarantee the health and well-being of flora and fauna. For this reason, Organic Boosting only provides household cleaning products with renowned certifications, such as lSO 9001. This certificate sets out the criteria for a quality management and control system and stipulates the standards of all company processes, from production, logistics, administration to commercialization. The products we offer achieve excellence in all the above areas, as well as in that of providing customer satisfaction. But that’s not all: our products are also certified by the best agencies charged with guaranteeing environmental sustainability: Eco Cert, Eco Label EU, Sohiscert, Bio Vida Sana, and Nature Org.

The ingredients in our formulas (surfactants, additives, etc.) are 100% plant-based, sourced from sustainable, natural, non-food grade resources. They contain no components of petrochemical or animal origin, meaning that products are suitable for vegans and those with sensitivities and allergies. Our formulas are 100% free from ethoxylated ingredients* (partially permitted in certified products); enzymes; palm oil; or synthetic preservatives such as BHT or Kathon, found in many detergents and cleaners (even biological products), which cause so many allergies. All perfumes used are pure essential oils of natural origin.

We hope that this post has taught you a little more about this growing sector and shown you the differences between conventional and ecological household cleaning products.

We remain committed to our planet and our customers!

If you’d like to discover the wide range of organic products that we offer on our automated platform for the export of organic products, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’ll be happy to resolve your doubts without any obligation on your part. Join the network of supermarkets that love the planet today and save time and money on your natural, organic, and eco-friendly orders!

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